Taking a Step Into the Real World

by: Chelsey Heft, Marketing Intern

Growing up, school was never easy for me.  I never got the grades that my parents expected me to get, even though I always tried my best.  So when I hit the age where I was able to start working, I took every opportunity to work everyday and on the weekends to get experience.  The opposite of school, I realized that working, making connections, and meeting new people is what came easy to me.

When I graduated from high school, I knew that I had to go to college and get my degree.  I started off at Moraine Valley and then transferred to Eastern Illinois University to major in Special Education.  Unfortunately, I found out that special education was not the field for me.  The longer I sat in my Special Education classes the more I started to get lost and not understand the information that was being thrown my way.  I became overwhelmed at the fact I picked the wrong area of study, but knew that I had to figure out what I actually liked to do.

After some soul-searching and realizing my strengths (talking to people and making connections),  I figured out that a degree in Communication was for me.  I decided to move back home and make Governors State University my school of choice.  Currently, this is where I am finishing up my degree in Communications.


As a graduation requirement, I had to find an internship.  One day I stumbled upon the marketing internship email application for Sharn Enterprises, Inc.  I was having terrible luck applying for internships on my own, so I figured why not try for an internship that Governor’s State was connected with.

Shortly after applying, I received a phone call asking if I would like to set up an interview time and of course I said yes!

Then all of the questions started running through my head like they would with any other person. “What do I wear? What do I say? You better make sure you have questions prepared!”  After interviewing with Stephanie and Roger, I got the call that I received the internship, and I was elated!


Since being here at Sharn Enterprises as a marketing intern, I have taken in a great amount of knowledge.  From researching new leads, to being the main liaison for a new CRM system, to constructing strategic posts on social media, and putting together marketing campaigns, I can say that when I do head out into the work world that I will definitely feel that I have one leg up over the competition.

The meaning of graduation to me is a massive accomplishment that everyone should be proud of.  After finishing the internship with Sharn, I now am finished with my overall degree!  I am so happy (and even relieved) that I am finally done with school and can start focusing on the things I am good at.  

In the last five months, I have learned so much and I continue to learn each day.  When there is a new task I am always ready take it on. This has been quite the learning experience for me.  I am so glad I was able to take the ride at Sharn Enterprises, Inc.


For more information on Sharn Enterprises, Inc.’s products and services, visit their website at http://www.sharndisplays.com.  For internship opportunities at Sharn, contact Stephanie at sshostok@sharndisplays.com.
