Are You Just Getting By?

Are you just getting by?

When I say this, I don’t mean financially.  I mean are you just “coasting” through life.  Do you let people, your work, or even just ordinary life events dictate how you feel, or for that matter how you react to different situations?  For example, I’m writing this on Monday morning, and as I go through my day thus far, I’m convinced that’s exactly what happens to an awful lot of us.

Maybe it’s the guy at the Post Office or DMV who begrudgingly says Next!” without even looking up at you or Heaven forbid even smile at you.  Or, maybe it’s a co-worker who has that blank stare on her face when you ask her a question, because she is still thinking about last weekend, rather than the job to be done today. How about those folks next to you at the restaurant?  There they sit, two people having lunch together, but neither one is talking, because each of them is scrolling on their smart phones?  Again, their minds are somewhere else, rather than enjoying the moment and the people they are with.

Is it because they are too busy?  Their job is too boring?  Perhaps, it’s the economic downturn that seems to have affected all of our lives?  Or, it certainly could be personal problems in their own lives, and they are just caught up in their own thoughts.   I don’t know for sure.  It could be any one of these, or maybe all of them.  I just know that it sometimes feels like we are becoming a country of “isolated people” living somewhat “automatically”,    just giving “Lip service” to life.

Maybe it’s time for a change?

I would hate to live this way, but being human, we all go through periods feeling like this.

Hey, we all know life is short, that’s why we ought to seize the moment, be involved, enjoy the day, our work, and the people that we come in contact with.   I was thinking about this a lot, and what I realized is that the first step in getting back to enjoying yourself and  life, is to recognize that sometimes you are too busy, too bored, or to pre-occupied to really enjoy the moment that you are in right now. It seems you might be too busy to enjoy life!

Here are some suggestions that could help you get focused on what’s really important in your life:

  • Try turning off the TV once in a while and talk to your wife & children.
  • Turn off your cell phone, give it – and you a rest.
  • Read something, a book, a magazine – not the internet!
  • Go outside for a walk– without your iPod.
  • Try turning off your car radio, and enjoy the silence
  • Re-acquaint yourself with your friends, your neighbors, your church and your family.  They will give you the balance that you need and require.

If you have any thoughts, ideas, or suggestions about this, I would love to hear them.

Roger Wandersee

Sharn Enterprises, inc.



It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year……………Black Friday?

Black Friday

Black Friday……….Obviously, it’s extremely important to a lot of you and your bottom line For many companies, it’s the difference between having a mediocre year, and having a great year!   

You’re sales plans have been set and they are coming along just as you have planned.  But,… wouldn’t it be great to sell that additional program, and get delivery before the holidays????

You’re probably thinking that you’re running out of time, especially those of you who import your POP products from China.  Working out designs, prototypes, and pricing from thousands of miles away is never easy, and certainly not fast.

Sharn Enterprises wants to help you get that “Extra additional order”.  The one that will help make this year even more of a success for your company.

Located in our 26,000 square ft. facility, in Frankfort, Illinois, our team of professional designers and engineers have the skills, and  ability to work with you quickly,  and efficiently.  We will design, prototype and deliver that important holiday order to you, so that your products are in the stores and ready for your  customers  on Black Friday !

Our customer driven staff sets the standard for personalized service, creative solutions, and unique flexibility.  Call or write to us today!

815 464 9715



For over 38 years, Sharn Enterprises has been helping both big and small companies to get their particular brand to stand out in the marketplace.  According to the Pocket Oxford Dictionary of Current English (1934), the word “brand” is derived from the Old Norse word brandr meaning “to burn.” It refers to the practice of producers burning their mark (or brand) onto their products. The Italians were among the first to use brands, in the form of watermarks on paper in the 1200s (Adgination Creative Agency, 2011). Even the signatures on paintings of famous artists like Leonardo da Vinci, Picasso and Monet can be viewed as an early branding tool (Trismono, 2012).

Factories established during the Industrial Revolution introduced mass-produced goods and needed to sell their products to a wider market.   Campbell soup, Coca-Cola, Juicy Fruit gum, Aunt Jemima, and Quaker Oats were among the first products to be ‘branded’, in an effort to increase the consumer’s familiarity with their products. From there, manufacturers quickly learned to build their brand’s identity and personality (Trismono, 2012).  This began the practice we now know today as “branding”, where the consumers buy “the brand” instead of the product.

At Sharn, we manufacture displays for companies such as Nike, Kenneth Cole, John Deere, and Aero Bed, just to name of few.

We also design and manufacture for more specialized businesses by helping them create their own identity or unique “brand” to display.

At Sharn, there is no project too large or too small.  We have been in business for almost 38 years, and that’s because we are creative, cost efficient, and respectful of your time.  So, whether you have a new brand that “screams out” for recognition, or an established brand that could use some “new energy”, please give us a call and let our team of designers help you achieve the recognition you deserve.

Sharn Enterprises
